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Welcome in Italy

LeFo Partners Meeting 2004

Draft Program September 23-25 meeting in Narni

Thursday, 23 Sept.  Arrivals, followed by a reception at 19:00 . We will have a 2-hour orientation and an informal dinner meeting on Lefo final meeting.

Friday, 24 Sept.  The morning session would be devoted to Lefo project presentation  to present an evaluation of the present and the vision for the expanded horizons of Lefo.
We can have also Some italian Theachers that attend the meeting for dissemination action, and some students.
Regional Authority welcome the partecipant to Narni LeFo  meeting.

After lunch we will have a three-hour open discussion for partners and staff to exchange views on a variety of issues such as programs beyond Lefo.
At 17:00 we stop the official meeting and we can do a little tour of NARNIA.
We will have an informal dinner at 19:00. There may be some anecdotal reports from partners' experiences in the conduct of Lefo in their country.

Sat. 25 Sept.
The morning session would be devoted to Lefo leadership and staff to present an evaluation of the present and the vision for the expanded horizons of  Lefo and new project like NARNIA project.

Departures will be after morning session. Although not yet confirmed, like  suggested , many partners may wish to take a tour of Rome on  before returning home.
