
Eroli 's  Museum

at Narni Town

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The  Narni's Town Museum


dedicated to

Giovanni Eroli



Giovanni Eroli (Narni 1813-1904) was an historian storico, librarian , archaeologist and many more
Write many books, and also hand-write that now are at the Eroli's Library at the ground floor . 

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Giovanni Eroli (Narni 1813-1904)


 The Museum are now at the same building , at Aurelio Saffi street , in wich Giovanni Eroli born and lived.

The museum are open at Narni town till   April 11 2007 .


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At First Floor , there are the old NARNIA, that the  Roman peoples found in the 299 B. C.

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There are many old stone and Statues

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At the Second Floor there are the art gallery with the "Incoronazione della Vergine" by   Domenico Bigordi,

named   Ghirlandaio,

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Cardinale Berardo Eroli was the Customer

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in the table there is a  portrait of "Berardo Eroli"

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A very important man for  Narnia in the  1400 , was   Erasmo from Narni , named Gattamelata . 

Donatello, made a very famous statues at Padua for this militar leader.

You can read the words

"Narnia me genuit Gattamelata fui"

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telephone number 0744 717117


  ideazione e progettazione Giuseppe Fortunati
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